Omfg, this will never work.Take a look at that link. A good, long look.
Now tell me: who would you say buys the most clothing-small children, teenagers, or adults?
Teenagers, of course. Now tell me, what sane teen would EVER buy ANYTHING like that?
(Note, I said sane teens, not high-and-all-mighty-servants-of-the-lord teens, because I've seen those ones and they scare me.)Whoever made these products is clearly an idiot. The largest clientel (I dunno how that's spelled), teenagers, wouldn't go within two miles of those. Those suits look unattractive and uncomfortable. They are ugly. They are hideous.
And they're the one thing I don't think of when I think 'swimming'--formal. They're the church outfits of the ocean, the Quaker costumes of the pool. Nasty, nasty, nasty, nasty, nasty, nasty things.
And, unfortunately for the kids who were forced to model, they scream, "EVANGELICAL, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED"
Not the message you want to give for that end-of-year pool party with all of the bullies there, is it? Think, asking for it? Bringing it on? Entry #1 in 'How To Get Teased For the Rest of Your Natural Life'?
Bleargh. Hate those suits. Hatehatehatehatehate.
In other news:Generally I got a good reaction about the clothing switch. Those who told me it looked horrible never liked me in the first place, so that doesn't count.
Chelsea started loaning me Shojo manga, or girl comics. I didn't think I'd like them, but they are addicting-- my personal favorites are
Punch! and
Vampire Knight. Yumm. Hot guys. And I don't even
like guys- they leave a lot to be desired. I'm fine with how
some (SOME!!) of them look, but ye gods tact and manners are not in their vocabulary.
If insulting me is a male's way of saying 'I'm interested in you', males need some new tactics. NOW. As in, overnight change kind of right now. Strangle them all!
I love the style of the Shojo artists. They use more chibi's and 'super expressions' than Shonen artists, manga artists aimed at male audiences. The plot lines, to me, seem to vary more also. There aren't any repetitive 'I'm going to hurt you bad!'
fightfightfightfightfight 'Damn, that was hard! Now to go rescue that girl wearing the short skirt that tripped over the carpet in ch.3!' fall in love, kiss scene, luurrvve scene in R rated comics. Females are usually limited to 'Watch out ____!' roles, and aren't very intelligent. All girls have big boobs and tiny waists. All people are 1-30 years old.
Now, obviously Shojo artists have repetitions too. There seems to be one 'attractive male' look, and most artists just borrow from this style, with only hair and clothing details separating male characters. Females seem to have a bit more flexible design, usually with HUGE eyes and a lot shorter than the corresponding hero/date/lover. Also, for some reson all guys have big hands with long fingers. Strange.
The panel construction trophy, however, goes directly to Shojo. The setups are more dramatic, and the camera angles more varied. Diagonal panels are actually used. It is unusual to see an overcrowded panel as there is no extra 'EEEEEERRRRRRRRAAAAAAAARRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!' speeches to clutter things up. The suspense is actually suspenseful, no 'But how?!?!?!?!' here.
In conclusion, we likey! I am really happy with my makeover and am reading some really interesting stuff.
That's all, folks!