Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I, being a history nerd*, asked for and received The Tale of Genji for Christmas. I knew that it was 1: old and 2: Japanese, so I was verra pleased.




Genji is a dick.

I need to write a full review, but in 50 pages (not 50 pages in, btw, this is on page 120 by now) he's kidnapped an eight year old girl, gotten his wife (!!!) pregnant (and wildly ill), and then started ANOTHER affair with the sister of his father's mistress (who happens to be due to marry his brother).

Cough cough gag cough ek eke ek eke ek ek ek ek ek *ahem*YOUFUCKTARD!!!*ahem* pant pant pant.


This one gets a review.

*I only realized how bad this was at lunch when I went to report my findings to fellow seventh grader and she started laughing the moment I explained that I had gotten a book on history for Christmas. I am that sad.