Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sick Croaker

From the beginning:

I got four frogs from a baby sitter (long story) and named them after various Egyptian mythological figures. Horus (the fourth frog) died around 6 months later. I cried for a day, got Nikki to cheer me up, and got over it.

Today I check in on the frogs to see that Osiris (frog #2) was sitting under a leaf. You know when light passes through something and hits a white object it turns the color of what the light passed through? Well, Osiris was green.

All of my frogs, when healthy, are various shades of brown.

Let us also say that when Horus died, he was a sickly pale white-green for about three days.

I flat out panicked. when I moved the leaf to see if Osiris was dead, he moved so little I couldn't tell. Then he jumped and I was able to catch him. He acted as active as usual, accept that he was white. His beautiful splotches and stripes had faded to almost nothing and his eyeshadow was a light brown when it's supposed to be black.

I called Mom to tell her to get food (since by my estimate we hadn't fed them in around two weeks when there supposed to be fed every 3-5 days) for him, but the connection screwed up.

You know that panic you get when you go for help and you have to wait, even if it's only for a little while? Ok, that's what I got.

I met Mom in the garage when she came home with pizza. I told her what happened and almost immediately went right back out to get crickets.

That's where she is now, and I'm sitting here waiting.

Thanks Mom.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Updated Piccy

I've been fiddling with the sketchy one, but it's still not done; I think it looks blotchy now. ;__; . I suppose that's better though. :)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Scanner Issues

The scanner's having one of it's 'bad days'. 'Bad days' are the days it stops working for no particular reason. This makes working on a picture in Photoshop very difficult.

In other news, on Friday we got brush-pens, India Ink, and a nib pen!!!! *jumps up and down shouting hesterically* FINALLY!!! Somthing other than a dry gel pen!!! Wh0000000t!!!!

And I'm hungery.


Ok then......

Friday, June 22, 2007

Yep, another one. I got the concept at like three in the morning and had to run into the bathroom to sketch. It took me about two hours to do. It was really fun, It was like when you layer down colored crayon beneath a layer of black and start scratching, only I 'scratched' the black first. :)
Art camp is more fun now that we actually are taking pictures and we have live models. Is it possible to have a fear of models? Because if they look at me for too long without smiling I get nervous. .__.
Also I found a friend in a group, so now I'm kinda part of the group by default. Huh.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Art Camp

Mom signed me up for a great camp at California Collage of Art (CCA) these next two weeks, two hour course in Computer Art followed by a two hour course in Drawing From Life-Costumed Models.

Right now in Comp. Art we're doing a still photo movie (like a slideshow that tells a story). Erm, OK, that's not what I was signed up for. My teacher, Katina, doesn't even know how to use a tablet for Photoshop, the two things I signed up to learn about.


Drawing From Life looks like more fun, but the teacher rambles a bit and doesn't explain his assignments well. I want to practice my sketching, but he's having us do contour drawing, which is (basically) drawing the line right the first time. Teaching this doesn't make any sense to me, because with any picture you start with a sketch and then go over your lines. You don't need to practice immedeate perfection because that's not what you're shooting for.

The kids there are nice, but I feel threatened that they might be better than I am at the style that I do, because that's my comfort zone, the one Field I know I'll always be better in. Those people on Deviant Art, all the people I say 'Wow, that's AMAZING!!!! I could NEVER be that good' deserve it, and (at least I think so from experience) want and need to hear that from another (i think) decent-good artist. And if I ever meet them, we'll chat about art and talk about Photoshop shortcuts, horror stories of computer crashes ruining all our hard work, and techniques.

But these soon-to-be-high schoolers, these kids who are taking these courses because they've done everything else, they don't critique. Oh, no they don't. They are not allowed to comment on my field. Commenting on my slideshow, I could care less!! I don't worry about that, it's not My Field, just like Cubism isn't My Field. But you flame my work, what I care about, the only thing I wasn't teased about by Kia and her gang only because it didn't have any flaws that they could find, You Will Die. I don't like that feeling, that small, nervous, violence, the blabbing about nothing, the interrupting, and the distraction that goes with it. I loath that feeling!

And I really don't want to tell Mom about all this because she'll be disappointed and then I'll feel guilty and say that "I really didn't mean all that, I was just kinda tired" and she'll say OK and I'll spend two hours of the night wincing about how I posted all this. Sigh.

Saturday, June 16, 2007



Stupid insolent sons 'a BITCHES!!!!

This crew of workers across the street have thier radio blasting the Backstreet Boys full blast!! My room is on the SECOND FLOOR with ALL WINDOWS CLOSED and I can hear them!!!!!!!!!!!

You are supposed to sleep (or pretend to) until 11:00 am, not 8:45 when IDIOTS dicide to put on a radio!!!!!!


Friday, June 15, 2007

Photoshop's DA BOMB!!!!

I got Photoshop Elements and a tablet (a penpad that connects to the computer) about a month ago, but only now can I show the picture I've been working on. That's it up there, if you haven't already figured it out. No I did not trace or copy ANYTHING!!!! I don't know why people always think that. Why am I not allowed to just be a talented 12 year old? Is that so hard? That's my pose, my coloring, my backgrounds, my outlining, my 6-8 hours of work.
School ended (thank god), and now I have the rather daunting task of breaching the subject of home schooling (again, already discussed and on haitus in fall of past 9 1/2 monthes of hell called 6th grade). I know Mom can teach me more than the Ms. Dodini's of Middle School. (Not that Ms. Dodini hated me of course. I was one of the class favorites, and therefore the enemy of every sixth grader on campus as she kept on giving them summer school as she gave me 'A+'s on everything whether I did it or not.
Being asked by complete strangers if I liked Ms. Dodini, usually by kids originally from a different school (as all five 5th grade populations from the five different elementary schools attended the same Middle *cough*HELL*cough* School) or by 7th or 8th graders that had siblings in 6th grade and came to bug me about the fact that not only was I bored in English-Dodini, but I was bored and I was getting A's in English-Dodini.
I really don't like being bullied by people of the opposite gender, wearing faux leather with faux silver spikes and a neon green mohawk, I really don't. I don't like being teased because I don't need or even WANT to about the latest slang. I want to learn about the Chinese Han Dynasty, damn it, and that's IT.
I still like the picture though. :)