Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Negotiatior's Day Off/ Exploring the Maraquan Caves

Ack, I haven't posted in SOOOOOOO long. I've finished another picture of Genre and haven't even bragged yet! Le gasp! Genre, by the way, is my Peophin on Neopets. Her 'real' name is Genre_de_Mechinae. You can see all of her other quirks and stuff on her Pet Page. Go read it. Now. I command you to do my bidding, insolent mortal!!!
This is Exploring the Maraquan Caves, of Genre doing just that. I need to think of a better name for that one, oh yes I do... Even happier with how this came out. It's to be viewed on a black BG, which is why I put the blockers on the edges. EtMC (what I'm calling this one) is the main piccy on her page currently, so you can see it best there. Something's going wrong with the coding right now, but I should get that fixed pretty quick. Those odd markings are actually my current watermark. It's ugly, but it'll have to do. I luuuuuuuurve how this one looks. I got some texture on there and though the background is still boring as hell, at least it's broken up. I would've stuck more texture on, but she has smooth clothes (as in synthetic, not natural) and no fur. The only thing I ended up spicing up was the bands on her ankles.

A note on the bands: they are the same ones from TNDO (piccy #1). Genre needs to bind her webbed feet to walk on land, if she doesn't they get torn and scratched. Since she's not rich and why waste 'em, she slips them up when she's in the water. Also, having an extra set of fins is handy for steering since her hands can't do much in that sense.

Time: Around 10-15 hours?
Media: It's my fist all computer piccy!! Go me, wh00t!
Program: Photoshop Elements and Wacom tablet(God that thing is handy) Layers:10 again
Size: It's even bigger, the Godzilla of pictures, 210 kb.

I'm finally getting a therapist! Yayyyyy!!!!

If you haven't figured it out yet, I came home! I'm back!! AND I discovered a new Manga (spell check didn't like that word, it thought it was 'mango' XD ) at my cousin's house, Black Cat. I got four of them back in NYC, 1,7-9. I would've gotten 1-3,8+9, but I didn't remember if I had read 7 yet and they didn't have 2. Odd. Anyway, this is a ridiculously long post, so I will go now. COMMENT PLEASE! I am alone...... so alone...

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