Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Crystal Drummer

First of all, click on the damn thing, the previews of these things keep getting worse. ANYWAY....

I just made a new Neopet, a Blue Bori. This is her design. If you haven't heard the song 'All Around the World' by ATC (A Touch of Class), listen to it. You know that bell-like sound that plays in the background throughout nearly the entire song? That's Damane's job.

Damane Konata is one of only a few people actively practicing the art of Crystal Drumming, the art hitting pure crystal stalagmites and stalactites in the correct magical pulse to get the 'correct pitch', or the note that formation is supposed to play. This is very difficult, there are thousands of notes and twice that number of pulses. There are certain steps-literally steps- that the Drummer can take to help find the pulse, a while ago they were made mandatory by the Magical Council in the Drumming business (part of the official standards, don't cha know). To help find these steps, every cave that has more than two mature crystal formations had the correct steps for that cave-they are all different- written on the cavern floor. When a Drummer enters the cave these steps light up in a bright color to show where she or he needs to step next.

If a Drummer plays a formation correctly, she or he can call up spirits, heal mortal wounds, raise the dead, or become cursed. Therefore choosing to play a cavern can have huge effects on the player. And once you start a session, you must finish it, or you are doomed to repeat it 200 times before you are allowed to leave. It is hard to determine what outcome a Drumming will have, most Drummers have been cursed repeatedly. A special channeling set (the rods in her hands) can help deflect the worst of these negative spells, since they are so expensive and difficult to make most sets are passed down through generations of Drummers. Wearing silver or pure iron sometimes helps, jewelery of these metals are often worn. Since a Drummer can be of any species, and most all formations now found are in the polar regions of Neopia, spells for warmth are also often seen.

Drummers are classified by where they usually work. The brighter the color, the closer to other people, and the more secretive the Drummer must be. Warm colors (Red, Orange, Yellow, Magenta, Brown, Royal Red) are for people in the northern hemisphere, cool colors (green, blue, purple, Royal Purple, Pine Green, Deep Sea Blue) are for southern hemispheres. Damane is Class-Magenta, she is near other people and in the northern polar circle. There is a huge labyrinth of crystal caverns on Terror Mountain, she works there exclusively. Her area is famous for having horrible curses but amazing rewards, many have prospered and perished there.

Damane realized she was a Drummer when she turned eight, she didn't know the name of it until she turned twelve. When she was sixteen she left for Terror Mountain to see if she could rise to become a Drummer, she was lucky enough to meet only good spells in the next year. At eighteen she was officially assigned the area, she has been dancing to the crystal's tune ever since then. She has a large session about once every ten days, other than that she is pretty much free to go where she pleases. Her favorite haunt is the Happy Valley Petpet Store, she volunteers on Thursdays.

Damane is very social and talkative, but completely confused when it comes to veiled anything. Subtle flirting and small threats go right over her head, making her a frustrating person to talk to sometimes. Other than that, she is a healthy (except for that one curse, she doesn't talk about it much) happy normal person.

Wow, long post. BTW: Time: 8 1/2-10 hours- Media: Three minute sketch on a post-it note, the rest of it done with Photoshop Elements and a Wacom Tablet- Layers- Nine, 1 less than usual- Size- Good Gods this is huge- 378kb.

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