Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New St00f

Whee! Fun day!

This week is Spring *coughEASTERcough* vacation, meaning many trips to the Mall. The latest two -today and yesterday= has gotten me my summer 'look' and lots of makeover essentials, including (drumroll) a complete hair-dying kit!

So, yesterday Mom and I went to the Mall and raided Hot Topic's supply of medium sized skirts and leggings. Since we didn't have quite enough money to buy the last skirt, we put it on hold and came back today to collect it.

The only difference was that this time we had Midget with us, meaning that we had to get stuff for her too. This resulted in much circling of the mall to find all of the stores to get all of the individual items that we requested. SCORE!!! Clothes and dying kit at Hot Topic, makeover/makeup at Dion, earrings at Clairs, food at... umm.... food stores?

Anyway, it was fun! Poor girly Midget, she was stuck in all-rock Hot Topic, being the subject of much mental teasing. Sadistic humor! The only annoying part is I had to wash off the foundation that the Dion lady put on me - it looked lovely, but it was waterproof.

For all of the people who have never used cold cream - DON'T!!! It has the same texture as the top layer of old yogurt. It's gloopy and smelly and BLECH! Not fun.

And when I called Nikki to tell her all of this, it turns out that the mysterious beeping I was hearing was actually my dad trying to call Mom to tell her to pick my brother and him (look at that wonderful grammar. Aren't you proud of my grammar?) up from the Seven Eleven. Apparently I made him wait a full half hour. Oops. .___.

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