Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Christmas List

Yes. Oh yes. It has come. It has come to destroy you all! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Ahem. Sorry.

This is actually my first Christmas list, as usually I don't have any goals in mind during the season. Now that I do, I may as well right them down now before I forget. This is in note format with headings (in bold) and subheadings (in italics).



Artist Supplies

-Calligraphy Set
Oriental brush set with ink and instructional manual.

-Calligraphy For Dummies
A wonderful series, I'd love to read.

-Mentor to local artist
Mom, you know what I'm talking about here.

I filled my last two, I need some more big ones.


-The Pillow Book
I found this in my history book and found an excerpt.
It sounded very interesting and truely funny, I think it'd be a
wonderful read.

-The Tale of Genji
Same as above, more of a historical interest though.

-$50 iTunes giftcard
I've had one before and LOVED IT!!! It lasted all the way to
February, which is pretty impressive considering the amount of music I
buy during the vacation.

-Hot Topic... Pretty much anything actually.
Well, I mean, not ANYTHING, but something within reason.

-Inuyasha 22-however many you can get in English
Oh, god yes.

-Punch! 1-3
A friend lent me these, and I loved them. Unfortunately I had to return
them as she kinda sorta wanted them back.

-Fruits Basket 1-As Many As Possible (AMAP)

Same as above, an adorable series with an excellent plot.

-Yurara 1-AMAP
Same as above, Chelsey loaned me TONS of manga.

-Millennium Snow 1-AMAP

Same as above.

-Vampire Knight 3

The most recent book in a series that Chelsey loaned me, I own 1 and 2.

-Aria 2
The most recent book in a series that I GOT MYSELF YEAH WHOOO!!!!
*cough* Ahem... I saw it at the school book fair and got it, it's a cute series.

-Black Cat 3-7
Excellent art and characters, I found this series at my cousin's house.

-Death Note 1-AMAP
I found volume 3 hanging around in my cousin's house, but couldn't understand
a thing, it being #3. Later I watched a Youtube of the 1st episode I got very

This is a work-in-progress, and it'll be updated as the season progresses. Sit tight!

PS. I found my clock 20 minutes after writing my last post. It was ten feet from my bedside table. When I had gotten up I must've clipped it with something and sent it flying. Amazingly nothing broke.

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