Thursday, November 29, 2007

My Alarm Clock Got a D-

Remember my missing alarm clock that I lost? It turns out that Dad threw it.

Sometimes I forget to turn off my alarm before going into the shower. I don't try to, I just do. Well, this time Dad was the one to turn it off, but he couldn't find the off button in the dark (he didn't want to turn on the lights and wake up more). So he fiddled with a few dials and threw it across the room.

So my alarm clock got a D- in the helpfulness department.

I however, got my progress report back. A, A-, A-, A-, B, B-.

I was near tears.

I usually get all A's. This time I only got one, the A in PE. PE!!!! That doesn't even count!

To top it all off, I was convinced that I was going to get KILLED when I came home. That I would have to 'take a walk' with dad, one of those that started out innocent but always strayed to the topics that I was either a) not comfortable with or b) didn't have an opinion on.

Then Mom was late picking me up by *cough*
40 minutes *cough*. A lovely way to spend 40 minutes, really it is.

So by the time I get in the car I'm miserable. Then of course I had to tell Mom my grades, and I did, as quickly as I could. When Mom cought on to how dismal my mood was, she reassured me that I wasn't in trouble, and I believe her.


Still wasn't fun though.

EDIT: ARGH!!! I can't get the font sizes to match. It looks weird. Grr.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

40 min.? Ouch. Thanks for the info for on stars, I think I'll be steering far away from anthing realistic, though. I would try help with your font sizes, but you have been blogging longer than me, and I don't know whether blogger uses CSS, HTML, or BBC.